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Mouse Monoclonal to CD3

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Data sheet of Mouse Monoclonal to CD3

Product typePrimary antibodies
ReactivityHuman, Non-Human Primates

More info about Mouse Monoclonal to CD3

Brand: Exbio
Product no.: 11-514-C025
Product type: Primary antibodies
Host species: Mouse
Product name: Mouse Monoclonal to CD3
Antigen: CD3
Clonality: Monoclonal
Clone: UCHT1
Isotype: IgG1
Immunogen: human thymocytes followed by Sezary T cells
Format: purified
Specificity: The antibody UCHT1 recognizes the CD3 antigen of the TCR/CD3 complex on mature human T cells. The UCHT1 antibody reacts with the epsilon chain of the CD3 complex.
_x000D_ HLDA I; WS Code T 3
_x000D_ HLDA III; WS Code T 126
_x000D_ HLDA III; WS Code T 471
_x000D_ HLDA VI; WS Code T 6T-CD3.1
Categories: CD Antigens & MHC (Veterinary), CD and Related Antigens (Human)
Concentration: 1 mg/ml
Storage buffer: Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) with 15 mM sodium azide, approx. pH 7.4
Storage / stability: Store at 2-8°C. Do not freeze. Do not use after expiration date stamped on vial label.
Background: CD3 complex is crucial in transducing antigen-recognition signals into the cytoplasm of T cells and in regulating the cell surface expression of the TCR complex. T cell activation through the antigen receptor (TCR) involves the cytoplasmic tails of the CD3 subunits CD3 gamma, CD3 delta, CD3 epsilon and CD3 zeta. These CD3 subunits are structurally related members of the immunoglobulins super family encoded by closely linked genes on human chromosome 11. The CD3 components have long cytoplasmic tails that associate with cytoplasmic signal transduction molecules. This association is mediated at least in part by a double tyrosine-based motif present in a single copy in the CD3 subunits. CD3 may play a role in TCR-induced growth arrest, cell survival and proliferation._x000D_ The CD3 antigen is present on 68-82% of normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, 65-85% of thymocytes and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. It is never expressed on B or NK cells. Decreased percentages of T lymphocytes may be observed in some autoimmune diseases.
Purity: > 95% (by SDS-PAGE)
Purification: Purified by protein-A affinity chromatography
Product specific references: *And many other., *Rieux-Laucat F, Hivroz C, Lim A, Mateo V, Pellier I, Selz F, Fischer A, Le Deist F: Inherited and somatic CD3zeta mutations in a patient with T-cell deficiency. N Engl J Med. 2006 May 4;354(18):1913-21., *Arnett KL, Harrison SC, Wiley DC: Crystal structure of a human CD3-epsilon/delta dimer in complex with a UCHT1_x000D_ single-chain antibody fragment. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Nov 16;101(46):16268-73., *Torres PS, Alcover A, Zapata DA, Arnaud J, Pacheco A, Martín-Fernández JM, Villasevil EM, Sanal O, Regueiro JR: TCR dynamics in human mature T lymphocytes lacking CD3 gamma. J Immunol. 2003 Jun 15;170(12):5947-55., *le Gouvello S, Manceau V, Sobel A: Serine 16 of stathmin as a cytosolic target for Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase _x000D_ II after CD2 triggering of human T lymphocytes. J Immunol. 1998 Aug 1;161(3):1113-22. , *Lin CW, Liu TY, Chen SU, Wang KT, Medeiros LJ, Hsu SM: CD94 1A transcripts characterize lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia of immature_x000D_ natural killer cell origin with distinct clinical features. Blood. 2005 Nov 15;106(10):3567-74., *Demedts IK, Brusselle GG, Vermaelen KY, Pauwels RA: Identification and characterization of human pulmonary dendritic cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2005 Mar;32(3):177-84., *Fisch P, Malkovsky M, Braakman E, Sturm E, Bolhuis RL, Prieve A, Sosman JA, Lam VA, Sondel PM: Gamma/delta T cell clones and natural killer cell clones mediate distinct_x000D_ patterns of non-major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytolysis. J Exp Med. 1990 May 1;171(5):1567-79._x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ , *Siegers GM, Swamy M, Fernández-Malavé E, Minguet S, Rathmann S, Guardo AC, Pérez-Flores V, Regueiro JR, Alarcón B, Fisch P, Schamel WW: Different composition of the human and the mouse gammadelta T cell receptor_x000D_ explains different phenotypes of CD3gamma and CD3delta immunodeficiencies. J Exp Med. 2007 Oct 29;204(11):2537-44._x000D_ _x000D_ , *Garson JA, Beverley PC, Coakham HB, Harper EI: Monoclonal antibodies against human T lymphocytes label Purkinje neurones of many species. Nature. 1982 Jul 22;298(5872):375-7._x000D_ , *Barclay, Brown et al.: The Leukocyte Antigen FactsBook, 2nd edition, Harcourt Brace & Company, London, (1997)., *Leukocyte Typing III., McMichael A. J. et al (Eds.), Oxford University Press (1987)., *Leukocyte Typing VI., Kishimoto T. et al. (Eds.), Garland Publishing Inc. (1997).
General references: *Huang Y, Wange RL: T cell receptor signaling: beyond complex complexes. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jul 9;279(28):28827-30., *Alarcón B, Swamy M, van Santen HM, Schamel WW: T-cell antigen-receptor stoichiometry: pre-clustering for sensitivity. EMBO Rep. 2006 May;7(5):490-5. , *Kuhns MS, Davis MM, Garcia KC: Deconstructing the form and function of the TCR/CD3 complex. Immunity. 2006 Feb;24(2):133-9.
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Shipping condition: Room temperature


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