BALB/c-spinal cord (thoracic) tissue section slide (paraffin embedded) View larger

BALB/c-spinal cord (thoracic) tissue section slide (paraffin embedded)


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176,00 € tax excl.

5 Pieces/Box

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Data sheet of BALB/c-spinal cord (thoracic) tissue section slide (paraffin embedded)

Product typeSlide
Host speciesMouse

More info about BALB/c-spinal cord (thoracic) tissue section slide (paraffin embedded)

Product description: 8 weeks old, male (normal) BALB/c mouse tissue section
Tissue: Spinal Cord (Thoracic)
Preparation method: Mice were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde, and tissues were excised and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. After dehydration in alcohol, tissues were embedded in paraffin (see protocol). Each section is 5µm thick.
Storage instruction: Store dry in a desiccated chamber at room temperature.
Quality control testing: Tissue sections were mounted on silane coated glass slides, from each batch, one of the tissue section slide was stained with H&E for quality control.
Size: 5 Pieces/Box
Shipping condition: Room Temperature


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